R2W Health Advisory Update
October 18, 2005 |
Coast Family & Friends for
the love, support, visit & home cooking – especially Dukes Mayo &
Ham! Doc & Sam for the encouragement and
support. Rocky for spreading the word and always volunteering
for an open shift. Ralph for all the visits and meals you’ve shown up
with. Boeing Group, all of the e-mails and calls have
brought a smile to Dad’s
face! We are truly
thankful for all of the thoughts, prayers and support that have come to
Dad and the family through cards, calls and visits. We couldn’t ask for a
better support group! Home: 510 S. Maxine, Santa Ana, CA 92704 Phone: (714)
839-5942 E-mail:
hwilliams10@gmail.com We’re on the
Web: www.williamsfamily.org |
Current Status
While we had seen some improvement on R2W’s
initial return home, this past week Dad had almost reverted to being
bedridden. His minimal eating habits are practically non-existent. He
missed radiation treatments last week on Monday and Tuesday on account of
dehydration. Tuesday, October
11 he was admitted to Hoag for rehydration in an effort to continue with
his radiation treatment. We admitted Dad back to Hoag Sunday night, October 16,
concerned that the lack of improvement in his activity and weak immune
system might be conducive to
pneumonia. Dad does not have pneumonia, but he does have an infection in his throat. They took another MRI and cat scan to observe any progress he may have made during treatment. There is a meeting scheduled this morning, October 18 with Dr. Klein, Dad’s chemotherapy oncologist. This meeting will help us understand Dad’s current state and further course of treatment. History
October 18 meeting with Dr.
David Klein determine further course of
treatment ·
October 16 admitted to Hoag
concerned with breathing and possibilities of pneumonia (diagnosed with
throat infection) – still in hospital room
821 ·
October 11 at noon, admitted
to Hoag for rehydration, returned at 6:45 PM that
night ·
October 10, stopped
radiation treatment body too
weak ·
September 27 started
physical therapy. He had three
good appointments, but soon became too tired to
continue ·
September 24-27, Dad’s
brothers and sisters came to town for some love and support! The time he shared meant so much to him and the
family. ·
September 21, Dad came
home ·
September 8, dad released to
Manor Care ·
September 2, surgery to remove
tumor. Removed 70 - 80% ·
August 31, MRI and Cat Scan,
identified tumor; transferred to Hoag Hospital at 8PM
August 30, Dad taken to
primary care physician, Dr. Klein. He was checked into Huntington Beach
Hospital. ·
August 25, took him to the
ER, but he was released – no
admission ·
August 24 first time Dad
spoke of disorientation at home and feeling it was his time Pain did not
alleviate with antibiotics, or with weekly visits to the
doctor. ·
July 29, 2005 sign of bigger
problem; Dad was bedridden with migraine and an intense earache. Took him
to his ear doctor. · Early July friends suggested Dad might have had a stroke. He was taken to his doctor the following day; MRI indicated no signs of stroke. |