Information on Robert R. Williams
This page is for the Williams' Family. We have been seeing a lot of interest lately so let's not let that stop. We need pages, and family information, we need photos current events, and e-mail addresses'.
Mary & Jake's 2006 Christmas Extravaganza!
Mary wrote it and it's not as bad as you would think. I guess Jake really is the funny one! You can also see some video of Mary at www.ireallyhatemary.com
Flindt Family 2005 Christmas Letter!
After much delay mostly on the part of the webmaster, we have found and published the Flindt family Christmas letter for 2005. Come share what we hope is the first in many installments of the Flindt family adventures.
McDevitt Christmas Letter 2004!
Those wacky McDevitts are at it again! This time with even MORE KIDS!! Don't jump off that bridge until you know how your life could be worse.
Damian Williams and Family 2004 Christmas Letter!
Well, it made it before Christmas. God Bless and we hope for all the best for you and yours.
Santa Spotted at Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley California!
Damian Williams and Family 2003 Christmas Letter!
This is our Christmas Gala issue. Packed full of fun and fascinating information about the whole Family.
McDevitt Christmas Letter!
Catch up with those wacky McDevitts! Read about a family with with three kids under four, two dogs, several annoying cats and feel better about your lonely existance.
September 11, 2003 at 10:51 PM PST in Arizona
Thomas and Priscilla Williams had another little girl they haved named Ariana Grace Malayna Williams read the story of her birth HERE
August 26, 2003 at 1:31 o'clock pm PST in California
Jennifer Kathryn Lamar and Danny Eslinger brought into this world
REUNION INFORMATION IS HERE! REUNION 2006 !?! Okay Williams' you are just two years away from the next family reunion. Mark your calendars and get your mind set because you need to be there! You may not want to admit it but we are family and my blood is in your viens! (Scary isn't it). We need to get crackin so if there is something you want to do and/or not do speak now. Information and picutures of the 2001 reunion is below. For anyone who missed it, and there could not have been that many who missed it, the Williams Family Reunion 2001 was a FANTASTIC success! It was so good to see everyone together, I can't believe we waited five years to do it. With 'Williams' family scattered across this US, the turn out was still outstanding. My scanner is broken, but I just bought a new one so I will be posting pictures ASAP, meanwhile if anyone has pictures they would like posted, please e-mail them to me.
All other family's e-mail your information so that it can be posted! Thanks, send it to webmaster@williamsclan.org
If you have pictures, send them in, I am slowly but surely putting mine up, but I could use a different view.
Love to All!
July 31st 2003
In California at 12:34 a.m. PST Patricia Ann (Williams) & Patrick McDevitt had a little girl that they named Sarah Victoria Noel McDevitt. She weighed 8lbs 12oz and height 21 inches. Tricia, Pat, Nicholas, Rebecca all welcomed her home. You can see her picture at three weeks by clicking HERE
January 28th 2003
In Arkansas, at 5:43 a.m. MST Ann Marie (Williams) & Shaw Blackmon welcomed a great big bouncing boy.
Weighing in at 9 lbs. 10 ozs, he is named Samuel Charles. Chick and Linda are in Arkansas and say everyone is fine
January 28th 2003
In South Carolina, at 10:17 a.m. EST Christi (Porter) & Michael Cox welcomed Kendall Leslie Cox into this world.
Mom Is fine and Kendall weighed 8 lbs.1 oz. and is 20 inches long. Her Maw Maw Annie was their to care for the new arrival.
December 18,2002
Damian Williams and Family have Posted their Christmas letter Click Here
October 14,2002
Isabella Marie Adeline Williams ( IM A Williams for short ) was born October 14, 2002 at 6:26 pm in Arizona. She weighed 6lbs 6 oz and was 18.5 inches long. Parents are to Thomas and Priscilla Williams and big sister is Miranda Janei Elizabeth Williams. Pictures are HERE
May 1,2002
Rebecca Ashley Marjan Mcdevitt was born May 1,2002 at 9:32am at Fountian Valley Hospital, Fountain Valley, California. She weighed 8lbs 13 oz and was 20 inches long. Parents are Tricia and Pat Mcdevitt brother Nicholas. Pictures will be coming. (Yet we don't have any!) Her nickname is "Not Peaches" isn't that cute!
March 28,2002
I don't know how many people know, but we now own williamsfamily.org. It will work just like williamsclan.org does, in fact it comes to the same website. I have also made it so your email addresses forward under both names. So grandma@williamsclan.org and grandma@williamsfamily.org will both get to grandma!
December 20,2001
Damian Williams and Family have Posted their Christmas letter Click Here
December 10,2001
Grandmama has been moved from the health center to assisted living which is a private room. She can be reached there at (803) 328.5190
December 6,2001 Tree Commission honors Charles "Chick" Williams Chick.pdf
August 29, 2001
Some things have been reported as lost at our family reunion. We are missing disposable camera's, film, clothing and miscellaneous items. It is time to check your suitcase and develop all that film you have been putting off. Try on those clothes, do they fit? If not they might not be yours, or you may have put on as much weight as me during the reunion. If you have found some items, or developed film of pictures you can't remember taking, please send me an e-mail and we will try our best to get you in contact with the owner.
May 14, 2001 Susan Rambo Porter and Chance Champion announce the arrival of their son Walker Ryan Champion on May 14, 2001 at 12:09 p.m. He weighed in at 9 lbs 13 and 3/4 ounces and stood (laid) 21 1/2 inches long/ He has black hair, not as much as his sister Shelby did but he has enough to not call him bald. The nurses implied that he probably had the "Williams Curse" Other than being bruised at birth he is fine and his mom is doing well. He will go by Walker and as soon as we have pictures we will send.
OKAY!! I guess the isn't really a reason to have an UPDATE section if it never get's updated. I am sorry, I have received items and have not posted them. First Things First
Ann Maire and Shaw had a bouncing baby boy on MARCH 11, 2001 AT 2:20 P.M. His name is Brent and he weighed in at 9 lbs 14 ounces. Another Williams to the list. Thanks to Annie for this information, by the way, how big is this 'list'?
Sabrina Redette gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on October 18, 2000. Her name is Breannë Renée Rojeski. She was born at 15:44 at St. Joseph's Hospital in Phoenix, AZ. She weighed 8lbs. 7.6oz. and was 21in long. Her head and chest measure 13cm. You can see some pictures [HERE]
Patricia Ann McDevitt also had a baby. A bouncing baby boy, born on Thanksgiving November 23, 2000. His name is (and I do not guarantee the spelling until his mother emails me) Nicholas Oliver Seamus McDevitt. I also don't have any exact specifications. I have seen him, he is short, bald, wrinkled and Georgia calls him Baby Nick and touched his hand.
Baby Nick Update! You can now see him HERE!
Williams Cookbook Update!!! Joe Williams was nice enough to type in the recipes so you now have more than just the index. He sent it a LOOOONNNNGGGG time ago and I just got it converted to Web pages and posted. I may be slow, but I do poor work. Anyway, anyone wants to 'dress up' the menu pages let me know. Misprints, let me know.
Be well and be nice to each other, we may not be pretty but we're family. (My apologies to the pretty ones, let me know who you are, I must have missed you in '96)
As many of you already know, Annie has been working on an update to the Williams Cookbook. All of this recipes are tried, tested and great! The index is now on the web so anyone who wants to add any recipes can take a look. If you do, e-mail them to Annie and she will get it in. Please specify the category you want it to be in.
If you have something to add, drop me a line at Webmaster@WilliamsClan.org